Claire O'Callaghan and Sophie Franklin: The Brontës Revisited
@ Palace Green Library
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06 October 2018
Tickets: £6/£4
In her new book, Emily Brontë Reappraised, Dr Claire O’Callaghan of Loughborough University conjures a new image of the Wuthering Heights author. At a time when contemporary women are making their voices heard and questioning convention, it now appears that Emily Brontë was, in fact, a ‘thoroughly modern woman’.
In turn, Durham University’s Sophie Franklin’s Charlotte Brontë Revisited introduces us to the novelist’s private world of convention, rebellion and imagination, and offers insight into her life, writing and obsessions – including the paranormal, nature, feminism and politics.
Join Claire and Sophie as they discuss the enigmatic Brontë sisters, their works and world, in an event celebrating the bicentenary of Emily’s birth.
Chaired by Dr Sarah Wootton, Durham University
Palace Green Library
Palace Green
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