Mickleton Village Carnival
@ Mickleton Village Hall
Book Now
03 June 2017
13:00 to 17:00
Fancy Dress Judging at 1.30pm (In the Village Field next to the Hall) (Categories: Under 5’s, 5-7yrs, 8-11yrs, 12-16yrs, Adults & Groups) Carnival opened at 2pm Followed by Fancy dress parade Usual Fun & Games on-going all afternoon Magic Show, Punch & Judy, Home-made Teas Tombola, Raffle, Skittles, Coconut Shy & lots more. Flyball Club Display at 2.30pm Children’s Sports at 3.15pm Prize giving & Raffle draw at 4.30pm Donations of prizes or goods would be appreciated, please leave at Mickleton Service Station anytime or the Hall on Carnival day from 10am.
Mickleton Village Hall
Barnard Castle
Co Durham
DL12 0JR
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